
Was Jesus an Entrepreneur?

Was he one? What do you think?

I love the discussion that is going on as a response to the publication on the GAPINGVOID site. Some comments i liked were:

"Interesting that you make that conclusion. I tend to think of the man more as a teacher.What financial risks did he take? What profit/loss did he incur in a business deal?"
"Isn’t that what a lot of social entrepreneurs are Joann? They teach their clients to do their product better…"
"I agree. Jesus was an entrepreneur. But that does not mean that everyone calling him/herself an entrepreneur is as enlightened as Jesus was."
Funny, nice.
Feel free to join the discussion here or at Hugh´s site. 


Seeds of Entrepreneurs

4th Grade, Colegio Heladia Mejia, Bogota

Last week I finnished my tutoring classes to the 4th Grade of the public Bogota School Heladia Mejia. I volunteer at public schools since a couple of year thanks to the amazing program of JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT COLOMBIA (Colombia Emprendedora).

This class has been by far one of my favourites of the past years!

They were so smart! I bet money that from this group at leat 5 or 6 students can become sucessful entrepreneurs when they grow up. I was really suprised during our last class, where we developed few advanced -decision making process case studies- with the level of thought process stduents put into it. Never underestimate the power of child`s mind!